The Why…
Ok, here we go, Blog #1 – The why
Why the blog?
I can give you the top reasons I’ve been reading about related to marketing recently, but this isn’t the place for that nor my style.
This blogs objective is for you to get to know me. I will be real, likely a bit silly sometimes and provide some insight to what I’m doing, how I’m doing it, where, maybe a with who and of course, the why.
(wave of fear splash me in the face now)
Since deciding to start this journey of building a photography business 18 months ago I hesitated to get out there. It was so new and there was so much to learn.
I lacked confidence in my skills to sell myself. I did not want to give the impression of being someone I’m not or even worse sabotage my name.
As such I went with a company name to learn about and explore the industry.
Z is my middle initial and LX is a stage lighting abbreviation for Lighting
I was quickly reminded that a lot of what I already knew about life, people and business naturally applied to this also. With that in mind I started the build.
Identifying the photography niches I did not want to pursue was easy, deciding on the ones I did wasn’t.
I believe in doing one thing well oppose to doing many things not so good.
One of my first challenges was staying on track with a plan. Each time a new opportunity surfaced I shifted in that direction to leverage the momentum but quickly ended up back where I started.
I will likely share those earlier opportunities with you in future posts, that will be fun.
However, it was one particular opportunity earlier this year that helped me decide on a specialty that sparked my interest more than the others.
I will be focusing specifically on Art Glass Photography.
I will meet the gallery owners, artists and collectors to learn about the market and community.
It will also inspire me to move towards another direction of interest – Fine Art Photography.
My website is now at place where the foundation is strong enough to start building on.
My skills too are at a similar point now where learning, improving and growing technically can be achieved a little smoother than earlier.
And, the next step I’m ready to apply more energy into is marketing, and here we are,
Thanks for reading, see you next time -